Customer Dashboard is a snapshot of various details like your NetWorth, Recommended Asset Allocation for your risk profile, Actual Asset Allocation, Portfolio Summary, Alerts etc.
db WealthPro
WealthPro Frequently asked questions
Customer Dashboard
What is Customer Dashboard? What does it contain?
What would ‘NetWorth’ include?
What is meant by the term ‘Portfolio’? Does it include my account balances?
What does the Portfolio Summary indicate?
What are ‘Recommended Asset Allocation for your risk profile' and ‘Actual Asset Allocation’?
How has my recommended asset allocation been determined? What is the benefit of actual asset allocation?
In the ’Portfolio by Instrument Group’ section, what does Instrument Group mean?
In what format can I view this section?
What is the benefit of setting up Portfolio Alerts?
What are System Alerts? Who sets these alerts?
Portfolio Overview
What is meant by the term ‘Portfolio’? Does it include my account balances?
What are the different kinds of portfolios that can be maintained?
What does Portfolio Overview show?
Is there an option to search for a particular transaction within any of the 3 portfolios?
What does Portfolio Analysis* show?
What is the use of Portfolio Simulator**?
Portfolio Performance
What does Portfolio Performance show?
How is the Rate of Return (RoR%) calculated in Portfolio Performance?
What does Performance Analysis section show?
Where does clicking on a particular portfolio hyperlink (in the Performance Analysis section ) lead to?
Portfolio Alerts
What is the benefit of setting up Portfolio Alerts?
What are the different types of portfolio alerts that can be set up?
If I set up an alert, when would it show on my dashboard. Also, how long it would remain there?
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