Positive Pay System
Positive Pay is designed to ensure extra security. The cheque issuer now needs to provide their account number, cheque number, cheque amount, cheque date and payee name with cheque payments, among other details. This will aid in protecting customers against forged, altered or counterfeit cheques and resulting cheque frauds.
To avail this facility, the account holder (drawer of the cheque) needs to share cheque details at the time of issuance of the cheques for amounts of Rs. 50,000/- and above.
How can you access Positive Pay?
You can now submit your cheque details (eg: debit account number, cheque number, short account Deutsche Bank clients can now submit cheque details (eg: debit account number, cheque number, short account number (alpha number), cheque date, cheque amount and Beneficiary / Payee name) by clicking on the link below before handing it over to the beneficiary.
Click hereThis link will open in new tab
How will your details be used?
When the beneficiary submits the cheque for encashment, the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) compares the cheque details with the details provided to Deutsche Bank through Positive Pay.
Deutsche Bank then exercises due diligence based on the results gathered by NPCI.
- Positive Pay service is currently available for cheques issued from Deutsche Bank account which are deposited by the beneficiary through other banks and presented through CTS clearing
- To enable the validation of a cheque through Positive Pay, the cheque details should be submitted to the bank one working day prior to the cheque presentation date
- Only cheques that are compliant with the Positive Pay System will be accepted under the RBI Dispute Resolution Mechanism between the presenting and paying banks
- It is recommended that the account holders avail the facility for all cheques of Rs. 5,00,000 and above
RBI Circular on Positive Pay System for Cheque Truncation SystemThis link will open in new tab