Digital Signature Certificate - Deutsche Bank

Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) authenticates identity electronically. It also provides a high level of security for online transactions by ensuring absolute privacy of the information exchanged using a digital certificate.

As part of enhanced security for db OnlineBanking, DSC is mandatory for authorizing the financial transactions if the daily debit limit consumption in db OnlineBanking is above Rs. 50 lakhs.

For corporates with a single user or no workflow, DSC will be requested at the time of initiation if above criteria is met. For corporates with workflow, DSC authorization will be requested only at the time of final approval of the transactions meeting the above criteria but not at the time of initiation or intermediary approval.

The following transactions will need to be authenticated by DSC if it meets the criteria given above

  • Bill Payments
  • db DirectDebit*
  • db QuickPay
  • Funds transfer to other Deutsche Bank Accounts
  • Bulk uploads - Within Deutsche Bank / Outside Deutsche Bank Transfer

*db DirectDebit - purchases done on other websites using Deutsche Bank Net Banking as payment option.

Frequently asked questions
